You can change you training settings at any time from your dashboard by clicking on the “Training” tab.
Note - Once you have saved your training settings, the next time your device turns on and connects to Wi-Fi it will be updated with the new settings.
In Training settings you can save a number of pre-configured sessions, and select which you want to be active using the checkbox beside it.
Each “Session” can be named, and have up to three segments - learn more about the different segment types in our article on Training Modes.
The session also has a Difficulty and Depth Increase. The difficulty adjusts how accurate you need to be in following the training directions, and the depth increase adjusts how deep the trainer wants to push you in a session.
Scheduled Training can be enabled which allows you to set different training settings for each day of the week.
You can use one setting for multiple days using the dropdowns beside that training setting in the table.
Make sure to save your training schedule once you’ve made a change!